Archiv für den Tag: 18. Mai 2014

Magazin im Exil: Infoveranstaltung „Against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil“

20.5. / 17h / Uferlos (Wagenplatz, Uferstrasse 40, 4057 Basel)

Infoveranstaltung „Against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil“

Eine Anarchistin aus Rio de Janeiro berichtet über die soziale Situation und die Kämpfe rund um die diesjährige Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft in Brasilien:

From the 23th april to the 21th may 2014, we are doing a benefit and Information Tour Against the World Cup in Brazil. The meaning of this tour is to present the situation in this country, to explain the social conflicts and to support the riot movements. We would like to make some projections and discussions about this subject This tour is being organized to support the movement “Against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil”. The experiences from the last riots in Brazil and the Special Security Laws that are gonna be used during the World Cup, show us that the repression will be very high. In some cities, some solidarity groups were formed to get prepared to the repression during the world cup. The money that will be raised during this tour will be sent to the ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) Rio de Janeiro and will be used to support the resistance publicity, pay the fines and the bails for people that get arrested, the costs with process in the justice, and eventually, the needs of people in jail.

Vortrag auf Englisch!