
Magazin goes OFF (aus Platzgründen)


An­ar­chism and the New Glo­bal Re­volts

From Bra­zil to Ukrai­ne and Bos­nia, re­bel­li­on is ex­pan­ding in both ex­cit­ing and frigh­te­ning di­rec­tions. What com­mon thre­ads con­nect the oc­cup­ied squa­res and tor­ched po­li­ce cars? A rogue ope­ra­ti­ve from the Cri­me­thInc. Ex-​Wor­kers‘ Collec­tive re­turns to Eu­ro­pe to offer re­flec­tions on an­ar­chy in the new era of glo­bal re­volt!

This dy­na­mic pre­sen­ta­ti­on ex­plo­res today’s glo­bal upri­sings in re­la­ti­on to po­li­cing, ci­ti­zenship, and de­mocra­cy. As eco­no­mic cri­ses ne­ces­si­ta­te ever wider po­li­cing, what new op­por­tu­nities for re­volt will arise? As con­flicts over na­tio­na­li­ty and mi­gra­ti­on in­ten­si­fy, what al­ter­na­ti­ves can we pre­sent to li­be­ral no­ti­ons of ci­ti­zenship? As trust in go­vern­ment ero­des, what vi­si­ons can an­ar­chists offer bey­ond re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve de­mocra­cy? Our strugg­les must spread nar­ra­ti­ves and tac­tics that con­test the le­gi­ti­ma­cy of these forces – and the fu­ture of free­dom hangs in the ba­lan­ce.

This spea­king tour will sup­port the forth­co­ming Ger­man trans­la­ti­on of Work, our ana­ly­sis of con­tem­pora­ry ca­pi­ta­lism and re­sis­tan­ce, and share texts span­ning twen­ty years of agi­ta­ti­on. Don‘t miss an eve­ning of pro­vo­ca­ti­on, pas­si­on, and pro­pa­gan­da from North Ame­ri­ca’s most no­to­rious an­ar­chist collec­tive!

30.3.2014 / 19.30 Uhr / OFF (Offenburgerstr. 59 / 4057 Basel)